In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16, 10)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 18
import numpy as np
import warnings

I got some historical data from here:

Have a look - I think weekly resolution is just right for this use case. I grabbed historical data for the last 30 years (since 1990-01-01).

Let's get to it...

In [2]:
filename = 'S&P 500 Historical Data.csv'
dtypes = {'Price': 'float', 'Open': 'float', 'High': 'float', 'Low': 'float'}
raw = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col='Date', dtype=dtypes, thousands=',')
raw = raw.iloc[::-1,]

Price Open High Low Vol. Change %
Jan 07, 1990 339.93 352.20 354.24 339.49 809.58M -3.48%
Jan 14, 1990 339.15 339.93 342.01 333.37 861.31M -0.23%
Jan 21, 1990 325.80 339.14 339.96 321.44 905.97M -3.94%
Jan 28, 1990 330.92 325.80 332.10 319.83 845.44M 1.57%
Feb 04, 1990 333.62 330.92 336.09 326.55 774.88M 0.82%
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Jun 21, 2020 3009.05 3094.42 3154.90 3004.63 - -2.86%
Jun 28, 2020 3130.01 3018.59 3165.81 2999.74 - 4.02%
Jul 05, 2020 3185.04 3155.29 3186.82 3115.70 - 1.76%
Jul 12, 2020 3224.73 3205.08 3238.28 3127.66 - 1.25%
Jul 19, 2020 3215.63 3218.58 3279.99 3199.71 - -0.28%

1594 rows × 6 columns

In [3]:
# I'm going to skip plotting the index, but here's how you can do that:

# fig = plt.figure()
# ax = raw.plot(y='Price', ylim=(0, None), grid=True)
# ax.set_ylabel('S&P 500 index')

Now onto the interesting stuff. Let's compute the historic all time high of the index by point in time.

In [4]:
raw['ATH'] = raw['High'].cummax()

y_max = raw['Price'].max() * 1.1

ax = raw.plot(y='Price', ylim=(0, y_max), grid=True, legend=False)
overlay = ax.twinx()
raw.plot(y='ATH', ylim=(0, y_max), grid=True, ax=overlay, color='r', label='Historic high', mark_right=True)
ax.set_ylabel(f'S&P 500 stock index (points)')  # Annotate your axis, people
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=30)
<Figure size 1152x720 with 0 Axes>

So, the question is, during how much of our time is the blue line close or equal to the red line?

In [5]:
raw['ATH Fraction'] = raw['Price']/raw['ATH']

ax = raw.plot(y='ATH Fraction', ylim=(-.1, 1.1), grid=True, color='r', label='Fraction of all time high')
ax.set_ylabel('Fraction of record high at the time')
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=30)
<Figure size 1152x720 with 0 Axes>

So you might say, if you invested in the worst possible time, the drop in the Y-axis corresponds to your shocked emotional reaction, and the time until the top is reached again is how long you have to wait to 'get back your investment'.

Let's plot the distribution of the disappointment:

In [6]:
ax = raw['ATH Fraction'].plot.hist(bins=50)
ax.axvspan(.8, .9, color='r', alpha=0.1)
ax.axvspan(0., .8, color='r', alpha=0.2)
ax.set_xlabel('Fraction of record high')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Fraction of record high')

Anything in the light red is a correction, and the dark red is bear market territory.

Now, I'm going to arbitrarily define "close to all-time-high" as 5% below it or higher. So, for the S&P 500 over the last 30 years, how long has this been the case?

In [7]:
raw['is ATH'] = raw['ATH Fraction'] >= 0.95
raw['is ATH'].astype('int').mean()

Almost half the time. More than you might think, isn't it?

Running the same analysis for a couple more major stock indices:

In [8]:
def analyze(filename, thresh=0.95):
    dtypes = {'Price': 'float', 'Open': 'float', 'High': 'float', 'Low': 'float'}
    raw = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col='Date', dtype=dtypes, thousands=',').iloc[::-1,]
    ath = raw['High'].cummax()
    ath_frac = raw['Price']/ath
    time_frac = (ath_frac >= thresh).astype('int').mean()
    print(f"{filename}: {time_frac * 100:.2f}% at ATH")
In [9]:
# All of these are weekly data from 1990-01-01 until 2020-07-20

analyze('S&P 500 Historical Data.csv')
analyze('Dow Jones Industrial Average Historical Data.csv')
analyze('NASDAQ Composite Historical Data.csv')
analyze('DAX Historical Data.csv')
analyze('SMI Historical Data.csv')
analyze('Euro Stoxx 50 Historical Data.csv')
analyze('Nikkei 225 Historical Data.csv')
S&P 500 Historical Data.csv: 48.24% at ATH
Dow Jones Industrial Average Historical Data.csv: 47.99% at ATH
NASDAQ Composite Historical Data.csv: 32.18% at ATH
DAX Historical Data.csv: 23.53% at ATH
SMI Historical Data.csv: 24.28% at ATH
Euro Stoxx 50 Historical Data.csv: 23.02% at ATH
Nikkei 225 Historical Data.csv: 0.38% at ATH